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Abey George Blogs


The Day of Reckoning

Let me disillusion you. The day of reckoning is not in the unseen future, millennia from now. It is a lot closer. You and I will close our eyes once, never to reopen them. And you never can schedule the date and time for this most momentous event of your life. That is moment when the Taj Mahals you built would have no difference from the huts in the yonder slum. So the only thing that matters how many will sigh in sorrow and how many in relief.

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If you don’t want to be called

Mobile phones made communication instantaneous. It made unreachable places accessible and helped the urgent cry for help possible, anywhere and anytime. The various applications and tools in the phone allowed previously impossible things possible. It introduced concepts like SMS, mobile banking, video calling and a million other facilities unheard of before.

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Beauty – within and without

We all have our own concept of what beauty is. The over made up model, with pouting red lips, wearing clothing with acute scarcity of fabric in it, flaunting her curves, is the one symbol of beauty, that the world has grown to accept as the epitome of beauty. But then it is said that beauty lie in the eyes of the beholder.

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A smile that costs nothing, can buy a lot………..

“A smile is formed primarily by flexing the muscles at the sides of the mouth. Some smiles include a contraction of the muscles at the corner of the eyes, an action known as a Duchenne smile.

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Lockdown – of our own making!!!

As Kerala goes into a lockdown, the second in as many years, it is time to do some soul searching. Serious one at that. A year ago an unseen and deadly scourge romped our backyards. As a nation, we did what best we could.

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Masala Dosa and Mutton days await….

I wake up in the morning And the sun begins to shine The day did sneak up on the night I see your face and I see myself And I get a little taste of life I try to stand it for a while:      In trance, Scorpions

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