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Abey George Blogs


Are we all going down a lonely path?

Let us face it, adulthood, especially late adulthood is not easy and it is often a lonely experience…regardless of whether you live alone or among an expanding family. It’s the time you might be facing your greatest relationship break-ups, or the greatest financial problems. As an adult you might be experiencing the greatest fear over your own and the mortality of others, as you see so many people around you critically ill, and dying….some of the hardest deaths being your spouse, parents and your own children.

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Fear Not – “FAILURE”

Failure is a part of the process called life. It is just the first lesson to learn to pick yourself back up and on to your feet again. Even Confucius said that our greatest claim to glory will not be in never falling or ever failing, but in bouncing back, every time you fall. It may be good for grownups to watch little children.

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Let us instill our values in Kids

Teachers too can be effective social trainers. For this they need to listen well and be able to spot the strengths, weaknesses, goodness and unsocial aspects of a kid’s behaviour. They need to communicate strongly to the kids, and inculcate a sense and a spirit of collaboration. This will build a strong social base and teamsmanship in children. Another key to engaging students and improving their learning is to treat each student as an individual, by being empathetic and understanding to what may be going on in their lives

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Alert! There are too many free riders around

Collaboration and cooperation are two words which are often used interchangeably, especially in the workplace. Both terms are so overused that their distinct meanings have blended into one. They’ve effectively become buzzwords. But contrary to popular belief, they’re different!

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Where are the Values we upheld just a decade ago?

Moral values are the worthy ideals or principles that one follows to distinguish the right from the wrong. In a wider sense, moral values are something that teaches us good virtues, including honesty, truthfulness, kindness, integrity, helpfulness, compassion, love, respect for others, hard-work, co-operation, forgiveness etc.

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When time goes past you.

As all resources time is limited. Let us not argue that time has always been there and will be there after us! The time here is our time to live and do things. That time is limited. If you have ninety years to live you probably have only three to four decades more to accomplish all that you want and anything that will come your way. This implies that you have to do the most in the least of time you can.

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