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Abey George Blogs


Cure – trust, more than drugs

Can you beat a deadly disease with just belief, trust and prayers? Common sense tells you, no. But to a question as to whether the same, along with suitable medications can do the magic, a story told us the answer is a very emphatic “YES”.

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MONEY – Its True Value

Money, a commodity accepted by general consent as a medium of economic exchange. This is one of the definitions of money. This essentially means that money is what money does.

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Pandemics can teach.

One of the positive consequences of the pandemic is an increased human approach of one human to another. As you have hunkered down in your homes, you have become far more empathetic to each other’s challenges and stresses

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COVID taught us…..NOTHING

When the pandemic hit an unsuspecting world, and spread globally within months, it suddenly showed us the mistakes, we have unwittingly allowed to creep into our lives and life styles. We stood up to be corrected and there were lessons aplenty to be learned. Magazine, news media and social media came out with articles and talk shows, about the learnings from the pandemic.

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What you need are hand that help…

We have known from the onset of the century that individual success is a thing of the past. The Fords, the Gates, the Tatas and the Mallyas existed in an era when one person built mighty mountains from molehills.

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A peek at lost years

I have never pictured myself as a creative person. There was much to be done to those that were already created. What was need was people to move it forward. A nation had been created a few decades ago and so was a

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