There is a moral behind everything that happens around you – or to you. It could be one that shows you a new aspect of life, a new way to do things, a different perspective. It could also tell tales or open up great mysteries. It may even give you a nasty lump on the head with hideous pain.
Learn MoreRespect for someone is the acceptance of him for all he is, including his shortfalls. Many have gone down from deserved places due to unacceptance by those around. It is they that accept and adapt to the unforeseen that emerge as oceans, the others end up as dried up rivulets. – Swami Gururatna Gnanathapaswi.
Learn MoreLooking back a couple of generations, sports and sports persons were an oddity. Someone wearing a tracksuit or sports jersey earned looks of respect from all around. In fact in India, sports men were a rare breed, sportswomen- museum pieces.
Learn MorePolitics is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status
Learn MoreWhat is civic sense? How does it relate to the citizen? How does civic sense relate with everyday lives of Citizens? It is important to understand the true meaning of Civic Sense.
Learn MoreIn every bite of the fruit, it is well to remember He that planted the tree – Ancient Vietnamese saying Every morning you wake up with a prayer on you lip, beseeching Him to walk you through the day.
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