“Take life by its scruff and give it back what it gave you”. “Relax and it will go away,’. These are some of the quotes that you are likely to get from the so-called, sympathizers.
Thank you, one and all, but when life deals that raw hand, only the sufferer, understands the depth at which hits you. There are two kinds of sorrows. One is the type that just happens. The loss of someone or something valuable, maybe a friend or a close relative. These are real sorrows, sometime with very deep impact. And the more unexpected it is, the deeper the pain. Fate has a way of gifting you such shattering incidents, lest you forget the fact that you are mortal, not indispensable, easily beatable, inherently weak and subject to the diktats of her will – fate’s. But then there is nothing you can do about it, it there? You can only sigh and wish, you are spared more than touched.
There is another kind of sorrow. One that is brought upon you by someone in spite. No not necessarily an enemy or a rival. Sometimes even those you consider your support or friend, can pick use a weak moment of yours to hurt you. The ratios are as expected, the closer the worse. It is as if all the hate in the world became manifest in that person and is taking it out on yourself. These are moments that you learn to hate life and all it entails. All your life work goes to waste and all your trails and tribulation are confined to the garbage bin.
There is just one difference between the two types of sorrows. The one brought about by fate could be very deep and could devastate you. But it will in most cases be a one off blow and fate will give you the chance to pull yourself back together again. Not so the latter, the more your suffering, the more the deeper the causer drives in the stake. Not even considering the fact that there may be time when they had fallen and been pulled back on to their feet by them that they hurt.
There is no time for mercy now!