We have known from the onset of the century that individual success is a thing of the past. The Fords, the Gates, the Tatas and the Mallyas existed in an era when one person built mighty mountains from molehills. The turn of the century and the advent of newer technologies meant that, it was no longer individuals that built empires, but team – teams of whacky, shabbily dressed, yet completely dedicated men and women.
They continued to rule the world until just a year ago. Then the earth caved in and it was not anymore about success. Overnight it was but about survival. The vast fortunes in the bank did not deter the microbe that killed, nor was there much use for it otherwise – what with the entire world closed down and immobile. Your evenings at the exclusive club have hence stopped as have the dinners at the star rated hotel. You haven’t walked around the plush lobby with the champagne in hand for nearly year now and the end is not truly in sight.
Time to revisit your priorities.
The neighbor next door, who would come to you when you are in need today is more important than the high ranking executive pal of yours. The need today is of those who have a mind to help and truly can do so, when you need. There needs to be a clear reckoning of what we look for when we seek out new relations. The money in the bank choices have shown that they do not work anymore. The need now is for people with a heart in the right place.
To put it correctly – a golden heart is worth more than a billion dollars. Look around for the hands that reach out to help you.