Life is a bridge. Cross over it, but build no house on it.
– Indian Proverb
A saying that is attributed to The Buddha. It is supposed to depict the transient nature of life. It is a statement of detachment, where attachment to anything or anyone can and most likely will bring disappointment. Life should be a moving carousel, from which you pick up the baggage that is rightly yours and let go of what is not yours.
Many believe that this Indian saying is not a true Buddha proverb. In fact, a cursory thought tells you that it is more of a philosophical statement than a spiritual one. It even passes off as a statement of irreverent atheism, telling you to forsake even beliefs that you have clung on to.
Whether it was The Buddha who said it or not is unimportant. What is though is the fact that it seems to have been quoted to suit a generation that cane three thousand years later – today.
Today’s life will ideally be served by this stream of though. Today’s life demands a transient lifestyle. From a rooted existence to one in constant move, life today demand a level of detachment that requires one to remain at a safe emotional distance to anything. And as days roll by, everything that was once thought of as the basis of human existence, like home, society and family, all have taken on a shape of temporariness. We are slowly learning to move on, without looking backwards. It may be a long learning curve, but it will prevail.
As we stroll forth, every day, we come face to face with exciting new experiences, that yesterday’s memories retains very little flavour. Gone are those days when we sat savouring old memories. Today leaves us no time for anything but learning. Everything around pops fresh new sights and groovy thoughts.
Cling on to the side railings of the bridge of life and you will get you rolled over by the hectic rush of the time. In fact the only option you have is to move on. While the ancient saying carried philosophical content, in a newer context, it is more of a practical theory. The philosophy of non-attachment, today has become the motto of survival.
Move on or be run over……..