Money, a commodity accepted by general consent as a medium of economic exchange. This is one of the definitions of money. This essentially means that money is what money does. It is the civilized mode of exchange, which constitutes a commonly accepted exchange for any product or service. It is the human way of exchange that substitutes for, theft, loot or forcible acquisition. Earning and using money are acts of creativity, but hoarding the same can be destructive.
Let’s first of all define what money is not and cannot buy. Money is not Currency. Currency is nothing but money, in the form of paper or coins, usually issued by a government or competent authority and depicts a value. You may have noticed the promise of the competent authority that it will pay the bearer a sum of the value indicated. There are also many a thing that money cannot buy or be exchanged for. The list would be unending but I would like to mention just a few. Money cannot buy emotional satisfaction, invaluable things like love. Affection, friendship or happiness. It can buy, means to be healthy but not good health. Money can buy you servitude but not trust worthiness. However even these can be attained if money is used differently.
One character of money that relates closely to its function is that money not in transaction is valueless. From personal experience one could say that when money is buried deep underground and not used for what it should be used, then it tends to turn worthless in the long run. There are the old hawks who would rather hang on to their money even when they are at death’s portals.
It may have never occurred to many people, that hoarded money is dead money. It fetches nothing but stress and fear of loss. However money can be used in a very humane way too. Money used for causes that benefit others bring those very things that earlier was mentioned as non-purchasable. In fact even in an economic sense, this would be the best form of investment. In the course of my experience, there were time that great causes and major humanitarian projects have suffered because those who have money chose not to invest it.
However it may be noted that, these acts of great goodness, will get its resource from somewhere or through some unexpected source. The hoarded money however, through some weird natural way tend to be lost to the hoarder.
Money ultimately is what it does and not what it will generate in a dead pit.