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Love of Nature – A Passion or a Necessity?

Blog 21 Jul 2024

Love of Nature – A Passion or a Necessity?

Nature Lovers, nomenclature for those who seek to protect and preserve nature. A nature lover is perceived as the odd bird, who seeks to put a stop to any developmental work, wearing loose ill-fitting clothes and speaking a strange and scarcely understandable rhetoric. A tolerant smirk flits across the face of the ‘Normal Person’, while talking of such an odd dude.

Well, it is time we saw the nature lover for what he really is.

Nature existed long before humans came. The earliest nature was one filled with toxic fumes from volcanoes that erupted everywhere. Life was impossible in that nature. Life wasn’t, nature was. Through the various ages, nature changed. Nature had faced trauma when a meteor collided with the earth, an event that resulted in the demise of the dinosaur. Nature survived, the Dinos – not quite. Nature has changed hence, sometimes subtly, sometimes violently. Today, nature exists in a form that suits life forms such as that of the human.

Mankind has altered nature. We have poisoned the air, polluted the water and littered the land. We have cut down vast forests and dammed or dried up lakes and rivers. We burn oil incessantly, emitting noxious fumes. We create and use indestructible stuff like plastic and pile up our arsenal with life ending nuclear bombs. And the creators of these disease causing, life ending substances and products, do not invoke a smirk. They are perceived as builders or creator.

Well here is the deal. At the rate at which nature is being destroyed, life will run itself into an unbreakable brick wall, sooner than later. Today’s conveniences could well be the causes for the ending of human life and that of many other species. And when all is done, nature will still exist, albeit, with poisoned air, polluted water and littered land. Mankind will be Le passé

The nature we love is the safest, most comfortable nature that is suitable for our life, and the lives of our family, neighbor’s and of the guy with the odd smirk on his face. It is the nature with breathable air, drinkable water, cultivable and livable land. It will be the nature that will bring a smile on the faces of those who sit back to enjoy it.

In short love of nature is love for human life. Passions are sometimes born of necessity.

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