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Let us instill our values in Kids

Blog 18 Jul 2024

Let us instill our values in Kids

Some of the greatest values in the world today have their roots in India. These values make an Indian stand out anywhere in the world as an epitome’ of human values. However it is noticed that these values, while being inculcated by most other countries, most notably the western world, are being forgotten in India. This is inversely proportional to the ever rising incidences of sheer intolerance, violence, misbehaviour and indecent social interactions. The youth of today have no qualms in using inappropriate language at any gathering, with no regard for the elders and women. There is no concern among parents when their children treat the opposite gender and social institutions with disregard. There is a clear decline in the values that made up the Indian social system
It is high time we recognised this and reversed it. Parents and teachers have to take on the onus of correcting this. Parents need to remember that kids start developing their sense of self even as babies when they see themselves through their parents’ eyes. Your tone of voice, your body language, and your every expression are absorbed by your kids. It would also be a great idea to catch kids doing something right and complimenting them for it. Establishing house rules helps kids understand your expectations and develop self-control, thus giving them boundaries of behaviour.

Teachers too can be effective social trainers. For this they need to listen well and be able to spot the strengths, weaknesses, goodness and unsocial aspects of a kid’s behaviour. They need to communicate strongly to the kids, and inculcate a sense and a spirit of collaboration. This will build a strong social base and teamsmanship in children. Another key to engaging students and improving their learning is to treat each student as an individual, by being empathetic and understanding to what may be going on in their lives
And most importantly teachers need to have unbroken lines of communication with the parents and vice versa. The more they communicate the more effective the bond helps in giving guidelines to the kids and correcting them. Listed below are five uniquely Indian social traits that are taking a beating of late and needs to be re-entrenched in young impressionable minds.

Respect for Elders – Respect is one of the greatest of virtues as considered by Indian culture. A child needs to be taught how to give the proper respect to the elders, including parents and relatives. Later in life, they will be more likely to be considerate of others when faced with difficult situations.
Ability to Sacrifice – Life is fraught with hardships. There will be many occasions where a sacrifice is necessary in order to make the best of a difficult situation. A child needs to understand the value of sacrifice. Essentially the ability to give something up for common good.

The need for education – Children should understand the importance of education if they want to become successful later in life. Indian values place a lot of importance on education as well. You should try and make your children understand the value and importance of good education. Develop within them a love for education. Once they love learning, success is going to be an easy achievement for these children.
Love for Family – It is often said that a loving family is the birth-right of every child. However, it is quite common to see children growing up and having a dysfunctional family of their own. This is simply because they were unable to learn how to love and care for a family. Try and inculcate within your children a love for the family by showing them the joys it brings.

Value of Perseverance – As mentioned before, your children will have to face hardships on their own when they grow up. They need to have the strength to persevere even through the most difficult times. If they do not have it, they will end up giving up in every difficult situation. They will never be able to face criticism or hardships.
These coupled with faith in God, Justice System, Democratic Values and Good Neighbourliness can make a huge difference in the social fabric, which unfortunately is taking a serious down turn in the modern world.

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