Mobile phones made communication instantaneous. It made unreachable places accessible and helped the urgent cry for help possible, anywhere and anytime. The various applications and tools in the phone allowed previously impossible things possible. It introduced concepts like SMS, mobile banking, video calling and a million other facilities unheard of before. The newest model boast of AI capabilities and suddenly mobile phones play a most crucial part in every human’s life.
The model of your phone is the craze of many and indeed a point of pride and prestige for a great many of the upwardly mobile crowds. The higher the price the more your pride. Mobile phones are the in thing now. Even sedate and sane people with a level headed attitude have now become addicted to many platforms on the phone like Whatsapp and literally live in there. Looking at it from a realistic angle, it is become clear that we have lost sight of the need that created mobile phone in the first place. We have forgotten that these devices are firstly to be accessible to all at all times.
Having a mobile phone of the finest model, however does not absolve you from defaulting on your responsibility. It is with a lot of ire that I notice many who do not answer urgent calls. Some keep their phone silent so as not to hear the ping. Some others, in order to avoid getting calls, keep their phones in the airplane mode. But the ultimate insult is when you block someone’s number. If you do not want to get a call from someone, you shouldn’t be cowardly enough to hide. You need to tell him squarely why you do not want to be called, before you block his number.
There are many that I know, whose names I am ready to spell out at any venue, who have made a practice of the shameful habit. They show their fancy phone around but do not really want to get calls on those phones. It is true they purchased the phone, but if you don’t want me to call, don’t just show it off to me, don’t share your unwanted number with me.