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Hail Me!!!

Blog 21 Jul 2024

Hail Me!!!

You are the greatest in the world!!!

There is only one person who believes this statement. You!!!!

No one else thinks so, except you. For a very simple and logical reason. To every single thing that you have prided yourself in, there are a million things you do not figure in. An arrogant person might think he cannot make a mistake and, therefore, he is more prone to making mistakes in the first place. People who are overconfident or too arrogant are likely to fail. It ought to be remembered that he will also be more embarrassed by any mistake that he does make.

We all live a life that is very momentary in nature. We all have limited knowledge and even more limited skills. All the resources we have are no match for the lack of oceans upon oceans of knowledge we have no access to. Add to that the fact that even with the limited knowledge we have, how much can be deployed skillfully. We all live lives with one serious constraint. No one on earth, ever had, has or will ever have enough time to imbibe all the known knowledge in the world, forget the skills to deploy it in a useful manner.

Yet we see around us, people who consider themselves beyond the reach of the rest of the world. They put themselves in pedestals, way above the reach of the others and look down upon the commoners. They feel that the little knowledge they possess makes them a class apart from the lesser beings. These people in short gets so inflated that they end up being a bloated toad that the whole world laughs at.

If someone’s behavior or action is foolish, it is not sensible and shows a lack of good judgment. … If you look or feel foolish, you look or feel so silly or ridiculous that people are likely to laugh at you. This happens when you, so filled with a lot of yourself hits a patch where you fail, unlike a normal person, whose lack of knowledge or skill will be sympathized for, you the pride filed toad will be humiliated. Even people close to you who know you for what you are would have difficulty suppressing their mirth at your discomfiture.

While pride shows you sufficiently value yourself and your accomplishments and it helps you work toward what you deserve, it’s dangerous in large quantities. The first step to checking your pride is recognizing when you may be too prideful. Once you start listening to your thoughts and thinking about others, you’ll be able to exercise better control over pride.

Pride comes from fear of embarrassment or shame. If you’re willing to laugh at yourself, admit that you don’t know everything, and ignore prideful thoughts when they enter your brain, you can avoid creating a mental and personality block that will hinder your growth. Be a good listener. Listening is the antithesis to pride because when you’re giving someone else the opportunity to express themselves or their ideas, you’re putting your pride aside. Focus more on listening instead of talking and see how many new things you learn in the process. In fact there is a though that says you ought to listen twice as much as you speak. Even nature has given you two ears to one

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