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Cure – trust, more than drugs

Blog 22 Jul 2024

Cure – trust, more than drugs

Can you beat a deadly disease with just belief, trust and prayers? Common sense tells you, no. But to a question as to whether the same, along with suitable medications can do the magic, a story told us the answer is a very emphatic “YES”.
There are great advances in the field of medicine. There are medications for just about every form of illness. What was once considered terminal just a decade ago, is cured with ease now. When you approach a doctor today, you go with the belief that he has that little vial of medication that will take your illness away and put you back on your feet again. The question now, is how quickly we can get back to normal life.
However all is not well and there are still ways to go. Let us take the case of cancer care. Finding the cure for cancer is proving to be more complex than mastering the engineering and physics required for spaceflight. Cancer actually includes a large group of diseases. Each person’s cancer may have many different causes. Despite advances in diagnosis and treatment, doctors still have much to learn about what triggers a cell to become cancerous and why some people who have cancer do better than others. In addition, cancer is a moving target. Cancer cells may continue to mutate and change during the course of the disease. This may lead to the cancer cells no longer responding to the chemotherapy drugs or radiation treatments that were given initially.
A positive attitude can be of aid to beat cancer. There’s no scientific proof that a positive attitude gives you an advantage in cancer treatment or improves your chance of being cured. However it is common experience that shows that those with a positive attitude respond better to medications like chemotherapy. Moreover a positive attitude can do is improve the quality of your life during cancer treatment and beyond. You may be more likely to stay active, maintain ties to family and friends, and continue social activities. In turn, this may enhance your feeling of well-being and help you find the strength to deal with your cancer
Here is a story of a school child inflicted with lymphoma. Someone who has successfully battled the scourge and come out of the other end with a smile on her face. This is a true tale of a real miracle, the magic of trust and belief.
Avani, when told of her ailment had just one question to ask her physician, a renowned oncologist named Dr. Boban Thomas. The question was, will I still be able to sing after the much dreaded chemotherapy. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind whether the doctor will succeed or not. She met and endured the trials and tribulations of Cancer Treatment with the same belief and trust not to forget the unfailing smile on her face. The truth is, she was able to inspire even the doctor with her stoic stance and confidence.
Her story when told to us in the course of discussions on the forthcoming world breast cancer month webinar series brought tears into the eyes of all. There were goose bumps when we realised that the unassuming little child with an easy smile, was a heroine, who had braved and beaten. During the course of the month long webinar series, her face came every day on screen as she sang along with some of the most noted singer of the times, featuring prominently in the Theme Song of the series. Her doctor had a tale to tell – about her – when he was featured. This is on the same realm where aged and experienced people, decades senior to her, lost their grit when they were told of diagnosis many time less deadly.
There are many around us, when faced with even a mild discomfort tends to make all around suffer. These people need to meet the little girl who had suffered and lived on to sing.
Yeah, she still sings.

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