When we take on a status in any group mission, be it for a purpose, an objective or just sheer entertainment, we take upon ourselves certain duties. These duties are agreed upon by the position we hold, or we accept by group consensus. It is an unsaid promise that we do justice to the faith imposed upon us by the others who set out on this with us. This holds true, especially for someone in a position of higher administration of whatever group we are part of. It is when the actions are synchronized that we achieve what we set out to achieve. Otherwise we fall on the wayside as a group
“Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit even where you fail”. A Forbes quote that means a great deal than a soother for failing. But it need be noted that even the opposite is equally correct. Without doing your duty, regardless of what you achieve by fluke will be recognized and your fallacy seen by one and all. Your value is what you do, not what you profess to be, or claim to have been. A kingly throne, claimed on the basis of past positions, is an idiot’s abode, from where he or she seeks to be seen and recognized, above all others. What this person seeks is acclaim without action – something that works okay for once, never forever.
A leader is someone who leads by example. He is not there to order, but to take them that are with him along. There always are two types of leaders. One who excels in what he or she does and lead the others by inspiring them. These leaders keep winning regardless of what ever obstacles or hassles that befall their mission. They are never bemused by the unexpected and keep moving forth with the inbuilt confidence brought about by a clear sight of the objective. A leader’s basic duties include, organizing duties, clearly communicating objectives, connecting what they do to the current context training/guiding and delegating tasks and most importantly leading by example.
Inability to Follow, feeding pride and vain glory, setting unrealistic expectations, refusing to accept responsibility, duty and blame for failures. A true leader needs to be the first to accept the responsibility for something that did not work out quite the way it was intended to. This invariably leads to inability to avoid conflicts in the group and totally failing to encourage other.
There are many harmful leadership styles — the egotistic leader, the incompetent leader, the ignorant leader, and leaders that are reckless, cruel, or even evil. The search for power and acceptance is hardly the way forth for a good leader. Inability to care and share is one of the first traits that the bad leader forgets. It is not what you are or were is not what makes you the good leader. Lack of position, power, qualifications, though good resources to fall back upon, do not necessarily make you a great leader. There needs to be two important aspects that need to be deeply ingrained in your mind and resultant action to make you a leader. Empathy and readiness to accept Responsibility.
The eye on the glory, before you even start the journey is one of the first symptoms of a failed leader. The first thing in his mind is the respect and the enhanced position are what this person sees even before he takes on the duties that the position entails. He is someone who keeps harping on his past achievements, real or made-up, to impress. This person has no time to inspire, he is too busy trying to impress. This often ends up being so transparent that those who run alongside sees him as a poor joke and not a true leader. The higher the post, the laugh. Often he stays in place only because, none wants to offend his tender feelings. But he is often the last person to be kept abreast of the progress.
There can be leaders who fail, and still be respected. But these leaders are those who have put in their very best and fail due to circumstances. He would never be looked down by his colleagues or team members because they have seen him at his efforts. Whereas him that got success by sheer luck or by the efforts of those alongside will be looked down upon, regardless of his pretenses. Them that he led by fluke will recognize the foolhardiness of his leadership and the failure this person is.
No, walking with your head too highly held is a sure way to miss the stumbling block.