A teacher needs to lay the foundation on which students can build a new world – Unknown
A school is definitely a place where a citizen is shaped to be ready for a future life. It trains the student to be academically excellent with an all-round personality and by and large be a place where values are built and a spiritual base formed. However it is also a centre where they are trained to become creative, innovative, and productive and be enhancers of knowledge. This aspect makes a school an agent of social change and transformation. We should not forget that educational institution is also a part of the system which has the responsibility to bring reforms in the socio- cultural-economic fabric of the nation. While defining the goals of education a student is not only to be integrated but to be involved in the wellbeing of society and nation at large.
Schools have the responsibility to leave a positive influence on the society by shaping the moral values, mentalities and culture of the society. It can lead the society in some areas by becoming the chief instrument in a scheme of changes in human life. Education changes the outlook of the people on social issues and also sharpen the skills and knowledge of the people. Hence mind-set of the society can be changed by the school. Schools should reach out the society beyond the school gates, get involved in the community and conduct number of social programs. Activities are to be designed to bring the society to the school for involvement, enrichment and empowerment of the people.
The students with the guidance of the teachers can become agents of social change and service, if provided with proper orientation. As key stakeholders they have both individual as well as institutional social responsibility to serve a social role as defined.
The key areas where school children can positively influence the society are the areas of cleanliness, healthcare with emphasis on disease prevention, civic duties enlightenment etc. The activities of any kind needs to be based on the results of research or surveys that the students themselves can conduct. For instance a school survey can determine the number of traffic lights in an area in an area. It can study the number of vehicles and pedestrians who frequent travel through the area and work out the statistics of the number of signal lights needed. The school can then get the students to conduct presentations to local civil authorities and get the needed done.
The research and survey methodology gives a student knowledge to a way of work based on facts and figures. They thus learn to do the correct and needful thing and not just get involved in pointless exercises. This in turn benefits them in future life at the same time make changes in the society.