Nothing pays of as much as a word of appreciation or a pat on the back – Ronan Reiner
Every deed has a value, and it deserves repayment. No deed, ever goes without a payment. And it earns exactly what it deserves. That is a cosmic law. Great philosophies were derived out of this simple premise and none is exempt.
So what are the payments, the takeaways? The word payment is and will always be construed as a monetary remuneration. The money system ensures that. In fact we value almost everything in terms of money. ‘Worth a million’, is a common enough saying, reflecting that the value of what was done or given was immense.
Yet are all payments monetary? If one were to look at the myriad payments and receipts we receive for what we did, how many of them figure as monetary? A true assessment shows that an infinitesimal percentage are. A word of thanks, a smile of appreciation, a pat on the back, a word of consolation – think of all those tiny indications of appreciation, gratitude of camaraderie. Try to recollect the satisfaction it gave you on receiving one of these.
Acknowledgements or appreciations have a way of touching human hearts. They touch an emotional chord like no monetary payment ever can. And it is not those much heralded deeds of a grandiose nature that win these little rewards, it is the simplest of simple deeds, done with no expectation of returns that win these great rewards.