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Blog 22 Jul 2024


“To be a doctor, means much more than to dispense pills or to patch up or repair torn flesh and shattered minds. To be a doctor is to be an intermediary between man and GOD” (Felix Marti-Ibanez in To Be a Doctor).
Most professionals can be judged as good or poor by their end results, by the statistics of their work. The figures that speak for their ability and skill, the profits that ensued from their labour, the clientele they created. Not so, a doctor.
A good doctor is not one who cures the most, because there are many specialties in which, recovery may not be a frequent outcome. It is not the one who makes the best diagnosis because timely and accurate diagnosis nowadays requires advance technologies and sometimes still not make a great deal of difference for the patient. It is not one who knows more scientific facts because medical science is still in the process of learning, about several diseases, and no doctor can claim that he knows it all. It is not one who is gentle, compassionate, and honest with the patient because these qualities, while hugely important in dealing with them, may be insufficient for an effective medical course of action, on their own. It is not one who discovers a new fact or treatment because nowadays new information is only a miniscule block of knowledge to be inserted in the enormous puzzle of biomedical research – there are no Eureka moments today in medical science.
So then, who is a good doctor?
A good doctor is one who has the most suitable mix of all the above attributes. A doctor can be defined as “good “only when he or she has as many as possible of the following attributes. A good doctor needs to be simultaneously learned, honest, kind, humble, enthusiastic, optimistic, and efficient. His final assessment happen within the patients mind and this is dictated by the amount of trust and confidence he has been able to build in the patient. And then there is the X factor, the unknown…..
You may have noticed that doctor requires a lot of science but also a little bit of “magic.” Where does this magic come from? Well, it maybe a result of being a complete, integrated person, trying to help other people by being understanding and caring but also being knowledgeable, prepared, and ready to give your best.
While we all know that doctors cannot make you immortal, they can make your life as good as possible. One of the very first qualities that a good doctor acquires, even before he attains his doctors degree, is the one of being ‘caring’. Being caring is the very first step to care and only good care can effect cure. Caring comes not from the myriad books of medicine but from deep within the soul. If ‘Care’ has no place in your heart, regardless of what you have learned, you still are not a Doctor, but just someone who studied Medicine. That is why doctors are considered intermediaries between man and God.
Swasthi Foundation has been lucky to have our team of “Healing Hands”, our backbone that held us up, our very own team of dear doctors. To us, they symbolize selfless and timeless service. They symbolize God’s Love for Mankind.
Thank You Doctors………

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